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Culture Day 2024

Our very first Culture Day! 

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are excited to announce our upcoming Culture Day at Woodlands, where we will celebrate the diverse cultures and traditions that make our school community so wonderful.

On Friday 24th May, children can come to school dressed in traditional clothing representing their home country, or wearing the colours of a flag from around the world. This is a fantastic chance for our children to share and learn about each other's backgrounds in a fun and engaging way.

We also ask that a donation of 50p be brought on the day, to cover the cost of some of the activities.

In addition to our in-school festivities, we warmly invite you to join us to celebrate with your children. Please pop to your child’s classroom to see what they’ve been up to and to spend time celebrating together.


Tuesday 21st May


Friday 24th May

Reception to Year 6

Friday 24th May

We look forward to seeing the colourful display of cultural pride and sharing in this enriching experience together.

Kind regards,

Mr Trower
Deputy Headteacher