Woodlands Weekly | Friday 24th February 2023
Welcome back!
It has been great to welcome our children and families back to school this week. We’ve got lots of exciting events coming up and we are looking forward to welcoming you into school.
Please remember:
- Children should have their reading book and reading record in school every day, ideally with their book bag
- Dinner money should be paid to the main school office in a named envelope
- Children should be in school uniform every day, apart from their PE days
- Children can access EBooks here, to read at home too
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s class teacher, or give us a call.
Mrs. Clark
World Book Day
Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day! On this day, children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character. We will be doing lots of reading acitivites on the day, and would like to welcome our parents into school from 2:45 pm to share a story with you!
RSE Parent Consultation Meeting
This term, the children in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 will start their Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) learning. We’d like to invite parents into school next week to meet with Mrs Hopkins and Mr Tower, where we will share resources we use and answer any questions you might have.
When? Wednesday 1st March, 3:00pm
Where? Our Community Room
Fairtrade Fornight
Fairtrade fortnight starts on Monday 27th February. Over the next two weeks, our children will learn about Fairtrade and the importance it plays in creating a more equitable world. Keep an eye out for our upcoming stalls too!
Reach out for support
If you need any support as you are struggling with the cost of living and energy crisis, please let us know.
You can come into school or ring and ask for Miss Benjamin or Mrs O’Carroll. Give us a call.
If you are in need support we are able to signpost you to local foodbanks and for help with energy bills.
When we are closed, please call Leeds Welfare Support Team on 0113 376 0330 (Weekdays, 9am to 5pm, except Wednesdays when we’re open from 10am). Attached are information sheets with contact numbers on for agencies who can also help with food, energy bills, benefits etc which I am sure you will also find useful.
We have a clothes bank and have plenty of good quality clothes that you are welcome to take, free of charge.