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Jamie’s Farm 2023

12 of Woodlands’ Year 5 and 6 children spent a week in Wales at Jamie’s Farm. The children helped the staff on a real working farm and became farmers for the week! Take a look at what they got up to! 👇


Monday 30th January – Friday 3rd February 2023


Jamie’s Farm, Monmouth, Wales


Jamie’s Farm uniquely combines farmingfamily and mindfulness sessions into a 5-day residential with a focus on giving children time and space to reflect, to renew and determine a new path for themselves. We do this by creating an environment where they feel respected, and are given opportunities to display their talents and show responsibility.

What does a typical day look like on the farm?

7:30 am Rise and shine! Morning jobs start at 8 am!
9:15 am A delicious breakfast made by one of the groups.
10:30 am Farm jobs – working with the animals, doing maintenance on the farm, cooking lunch and preparing food.
12:15 pm A delicious lunch prepared by one of the groups
1:30 pm Farm jobs – again out on the farm, doing the jobs that need doing to keep the animals healthy and what is best for the farm.
4:00 pm A tasty snack and then a walk or adventure!
5:30 pm Shower time – farm work is smelly so it’s time to get clean.
6:30 pm A delicious evening meal and games round the table. Then a film or time by the bonfire.
8:30 pm Time for bed!

Take a look at what we got up to! We had tons of fun and are so thankful to the Jamie’s Farm team for giving us a chance to help run their farm, to explore beautiful countryside and to thrive and be successful. We can’t wait to come back again next year!

Our Jamie’s Farmers were a credit to the school and their families. They took every challenge in their stride and showed fantastic teamwork all week. Mr. Trower, Miss Benjamin and Mrs. Thrope are so proud of each and every one of them!