Woodlands Weekly | 14th October 2022
School Day Timings
We are so pleased to see how enthusiastic our children and families have been at getting to school on time at 8:35 am.
From Monday 31st October, our school day times are slightly changing.
Doors open 8:40 am
Learning starts and doors close 8:45 am
School day ends and doors open 3:15 pm
We’ve decided to make this slight change to ensure we are able to deliver the statutory 32 and a half hours of learning per week and to allow enough time in the morning to be prepared to receive your children.
We understand that this will take some time to get used to and we are here to support. If you have any issues or concerns, please get in touch.
After Monday 31st October, any children who arrive after 8.45am will be given a late mark on the register, and after 9:15 am will be given a late absent mark. This is still the same as it has been since the start of the year.
Parents’ Consultation Evenings
Our first round of Parent Consultation Evenings are taking place next week, on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th October.
We are looking forward to seeing you back in the school hall for these meetings, and sharing your children’s successes with you.
Coming to school everyday allows your child to get the best possible education. We’ll work with you, to help your child attend as much as they can. We’ve got a great attendance so please get in touch if you’re having difficulties.
Eye Tests and Glasses for Children
Although serious vision problems during childhood are rare, routine eye checks are offered to young children to identify any problems early on. Free NHS sight tests are also available at opticians for children under 16.
The sooner any eye problem is found, the sooner you and your child will be able to get any treatment and support needed. Children may not realise they have a vision problem so, without regular tests, there’s a risk a problem may not be spotted. This may affect their development and education.
If you have any concerns about your child’s vision please book an appointment at an opticians.
Goldwyn Opticians are located on Harehills Lane and larger opticians in the city centre, such as Boots and Vision Express. Where possible, please books apointments outside of school time.
You can also discuss your concerns with a member of our Pastoral team. Pop in or give us a call.
Keeping your children safe on school devices
As part of our ongoing efforts to support our students, we are investing in a new system to monitor the use of our school devices. This system is there to protect our students from any online risks and alert us to this so we can provide interventions and most importantly education around these areas.
Miss Wilson, our Designated Safeguarding Lead, will be sharing a letter with more information about this next week.
6TH’s IntoUniversity Focus Week
This week, 6TH took part in a Focus week at IntoUniversity. The children worked together in four teams: the tree kangaroos, the alpine ibexes, the slender-tailed meerkats and the snow monkeys! The teams took part in a range of seminars over the week, learning about each animal and how they are adapted to their environment and writing reports on what they have learned. The children also learned about universities, the courses you can study and prepared presentations about what they would like to be when they are older.
On Tuesday afternoon, the teams also had a visit from two colleagues from Mott Macdonald and the children spent the afternoon exploring Banstead Park and reviewing the biodiversity of the areas, doing the tasks of a town planner for the afternoon.
Mr. Trower and Mrs. Hopkins are so proud of the children’s engagement and teamwork across the week.