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Woodlands Weekly | 10 December 2021

Upcoming events

As the end of term draws closer, we have a number of key dates for our families to be aware of:

  • Year 6 will be swimming every morning next week. Check the letter sent home earlier this week for information, or speak to your class teacher.
  • Both KS1 and KS2 will be sharing videos of their Christmas performances next week, keep your eyes peeled!
  • Reception and Nursery will be sharing their Christmas performance videos on Class Dojo next week too.
  • We close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 17th December.
  • We return in the new year on Tuesday 4th January.

Meeting Point Cafe’s Christmas Fun Day

Head down to Meeting Point Cafe on Harehills lane on Thursday 23rd December for their family Christmas fun day! There will be Christmas carols, games and lots of festive fun! Each child will also recieve a present free of charge!

Find out more about Meeting Point Cafe on their Facebook page.

Year 3’s visit from a Volcano Doctor!

Dr. Mark Thomas, a volcano doctor from the University of Leeds, visited Year 3 and told them all about his job. He brought in some examples of different types of rocks as well as some fossils. The children got to hold a T-Rex and a mammoth tooth which was very exciting! 

RH visit Morrisons

Miss Hobson’s class visited Paula at our local Morrisons store! The children wrote letters to Paula to ask for ingredients to make Christmas biscuits. She also gave the children some extra goodies!

Christmas Jumper Day