Headteacher's Welcome
Thank you for visiting our website, I hope you have a bit of time to explore and learn more about our wonderful academy.
The site contains a lot of information about the academy, but if you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us.
At Woodlands, key to everything we do is in our mission statement: Respect, co-operate, succeed. We have a highly committed and professional staff team who work hard to provide the best opportunities for all our children in a safe and happy environment. We work hard to ensure pupils receive a good education through an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. At Woodlands we encourage children to do their best so that they will be successful in their learning and be aspirational for their futures.
As a school, we are always looking for new ways to improve and grow but we encourage traditional values like hard work, good manners and self-discipline. We work in partnership with our children and parents and our aim is for every child to be able to say,
'I am an aspirational, resilient and confident learner and a caring responsible citizen. I am respectful, thoughtful, ready and excited about my future.'
Please feel free to come and visit us and come and see for yourselves. We are always happy to welcome visitors and would be glad to give you a tour of the school and answer any questions you may have.
Adele Clark