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Governors volunteer their time to help ensure we are working at our best.

They also provide expertise in their particular field.

Key roles include:

  • Ensuring money is well spent
  • Ensure the school’s strategic direction
  • Support and ensure staff are helping children to achieve

Academy Governing Council

Trust Governance

Find out more about our Co-op Academies Trust governance on our Trust website.

How to contact our Governors

If you would like to contact our Governing Body please bring a letter to main office marked ‘Confidential for Governors’ along with your contact details.

Or post a letter marked ‘To contact the Governing Body’ to:
‘FAO Chair of Governors, Co-op Academy Woodlands, Foundry Place, Leeds, LS9 6DA

This will then be passed onto the Governing Body who will get in touch with you.

Adele Clark

Full Name

Adele Clark

Date of appointment

1 September 2020

Term of office


Category of Governor


Appointed by

By virtue of appointment as Headteacher 


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023

Pay Committee: 1/1

Aneesa Akhtar

Full Name

Aneesa Akhtar

Date of appointment

4 October 2021

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by staff



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023


Anthony Molloy (COG)

Full Name

Anthony Molloy

Date of appointment

16 April 2022

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor

Sponsor, Chair of Governors

Appointed by

Appointed by the sponsor


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023

Pay Committee: 1/1

Ed Jones

Full Name

Ed Jones

Date of appointment

11 October 2023

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council



Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023-2024

Awaiting information

Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023-2024


Liam Vaughan

Full Name

Liam Vaughan

Date of appointment

29 November 2023

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council


Awaiting information

Declarations of Interest

1 January 2024 to present:

Business or finance interests at West Yorkshire Combined Authority

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2023-2024

Awaiting information

Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2023-2024

Awaiting information

Katie Bull

Full Name

Katie Bull

Date of appointment

5 July 2022

Term of office

4 years 

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the sponsor


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023

Pay Committee: 1/1

Previous Governors

Simon Hunter

Full Name Simon Hunter
Date Appointment 12/07/2022
Category of Governor Sponsor
Appointed by An employee of the Co-op appointed by the sponsor
Sub-committees N/A
Declarations of Interest None
Attendance at Academy Governing Council Meetings 2023-2024 TBC
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings N/A

Rachael Jones

Full Name Rachael Jones
Date Appointment 07/10/20219
Category of Governor Co-opted
Appointed by Appointed by the AGC
Sub-committees N/A
Declarations of Interest

5 September 2018  to present:

Employee at Teach First

Attendance at Academy Governing Council Meetings 2022-2023 6/6
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings N/A

Asif Ali

Date Appointment 01/09/2018
Category of Governor Community
Appointed by Academy Governing Council
Sub-committees None
Declarations of Interest None
Attendance at Local Governing Body Meetings 2021-2022:
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings 2021-2022:

Lloyd Edwards (CoG)

Date Appointment 19/07/2018
Category of Governor Sponsor, Chair
Appointed by An employee of the Co-op appointed by the sponsor
Sub-committees Finance
Declarations of Interest None
Attendance at Local Governing Body Meetings 2021-2022:
Attendance at Sub-committee Meetings 2021-2022:

Prince Ofori-Kuraga

Full Name

Prince Ofori-Kuraga

Date of appointment

8 October 2019

Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council


Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest

26 June to resignation to present:

Employee of Accenture UK

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings 2022-2023


Attendance at subcommittee meetings 2022-2023

Pay Committee: 1/1

Date of resignation

11 July 2023