Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) comprises of nursery and reception.
We provide challenging learning experiences, that help develop our children’s independence. Opportunities to practise skills through play, are abundant.
Curriculum areas
Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, is assessed in seven categories. We use examples from the government (Early years exemplification materials) which illustrate what being ‘at the expected standard,’ would look like for each goal.
Communication and Language
Speaking and listening skills, understanding, following instructions and answering questions.
Personal and Social Development
Making friends, sharing, taking turns and negotiating. Talking about feelings and behaviours.
Physical Development
Kicking, hopping, jumping, skipping, threading, holding pencils and letter formation.
Reading, writing and phonics.
Numbers, shapes, counting, adding, subtracting and problem solving.
Expressive arts and design
Singing, dancing, making rhythms, drawings, paintings, imaginative play and creating using their own ideas.
The World
Technology, nature, the environment and how to care for it, changes, life cycles, families and communities.
Find out more about the Early years (under 5s) statutory foundation stage framework (EYFS
Outdoor learning
Throughout the day children take part in many different experiences. We encourage the children to spend time outside, experiencing different weather conditions and taking part in messy play.
Our favourite outdoor learning experiences are when the seasons change. Our season walks, take us on a journey around our outdoor areas, including the wildlife area. We get to discuss changes to plants, weather, pond life and more.
Class Dojo
Parents and carers for children in either nursery or reception, now have access to a great new service called Class Dojo
Class Dojo allows our nursery and reception staff to record and share observations of your child with you.
With Class Dojo you can:
- See what your child has done,
- See what skills they have learned,
- See how they are progressing,
- Comment, let us know what you think,
- You can add observations from home.
To get set up all we need is your email address, let your teacher know or the office.