Reception: Spring A – Once Upon a Time
During the next three weeks Reception will be reading stories about dragons. We will read ‘There is no dragon in this story’ by Lou Carter and Deborah Allwright. The dragon wants to be in the story but he bumps into other fairytale characters who tell him that they don’t need a dragon in their story!
We will also read ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson. Zog isn’t good at anything, so how will he rescue the princess?
In Maths we will learn to recognise numbers to 10. We will practise saying numbers in order and learn to count ten objects. You can help your child at home by practising counting ten things. You can look for numbers on buses, doors or signs and help your child to name them.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
In PSED we will be learning about all kinds of families.
We will also talk about things we are good at.
We will be using the apparatus and movement play resources to help the children develop.
PE will be every Wednesday. Please dress your child in a PE kit on this day.
Phonics Phase 3
In phonics we will be moving onto Phase 3 of Letters and Sounds.
j v x y z ai ee igh oa oo
More information can be found at
We will be finding out about being healthy. We will do lots of exercise to make our hearts healthy. We will have a healthy picnic and taste some healthy fruit and vegetables. We will learn how to brush our teeth and all the children will be bringing a toothbrush home. We will also learn about other ways to stay safe.