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Banned Items Update

Dear Parents and Carers, 

I am writing to remind you of our school’s expectations regarding banned items and to ensure that all students adhere to our Positive Behaviour Policy.

Students must not bring prohibited items into school. If a student is found in possession of a banned item, parents or carers will be contacted and required to attend a meeting to collect the item immediately. Additionally, a C4 internal suspension will be issued, in line with our behaviour policy.

Our Positive Behaviour Policy states:"The school can search a student for any item with their consent and in their presence (e.g. turning out pockets / looking in bags). Staff have the power to search (without consent) if they have reason to believe a student possesses any of the following items:

  • knives and weapons
  • alcohol
  • illegal drugs
  • sweets and chewing gum
  • stolen items
  • tobacco and cigarette papers
  • cigarettes
  • e-cigarettes (vapes)
  • lighters and matches
  • fireworks
  • pornographic images
  • any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence, cause personal injury, or damage to property
  • balaclavas
  • phones (unless pre-arranged with school)."

We appreciate your support in ensuring our school remains a safe and respectful environment for all students. Please speak with your child about this matter to reinforce the importance of following school rules.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Trower
Deputy Headteacher