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News and Letters

March 2022

  • Y6 PCSO Visit

    Published 31/03/22

    This term, Year 6’s topic has been ‘Crime and Punishment.’ The children have been learning about:

    • Crimes and punishments over time
    • The introduction of Government
    • The introduction of the Police
    • Laws and rules
    • Democracy

    To end their topic, the children were visited by Fiona, one of our local PCSOs who brough with her a Police Officer. The children had the chance to ask lots of questions and visit the Police van! Take a look at what they got up to

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 31 March 2022

    Published 31/03/22

    We’d like to thank our children, families and our staff for their hard work and resilience this half term. We’ve had lots of exciting things happening in school, trips and days out, visitors in school and some fantastic learning. We hope that all of our families have a restful, safe Easter break.

    We break up for the Easter Holidays:
    Thursday 31st March

    We are closed for the Easter Monday bank holiday:
    Monday 18th April

    We are closed for a training day:
    Friday 1st April

    We reopen for the Summer term:
    Tuesday 19th April, 8:50 am

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  • Year 2 Visit Fairburn Ings

    Published 30/03/22

    "Nestled between Leeds, York and Wakefield, Fairburn Ings is an exciting site for family activities and wildlife watching. Over the last 60 years it has transitioned from coal face to wild place; an ex-industrial site rich in heritage and an important site for breeding and wintering wildfowl."

    RSPB Fairburn Ings

    On Wednesday 30th March, Year 2 visited Fairburn Ings nature reserve as part of their science unit on Living Things and their Habitats. They took part in a nature walk, looking at lots of different habitats and even spotted a heron! The children also went on a minibeast hunt where they found lots of different insects and amphibians in their natural habitats. 

    Take a look at what they got up to!


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  • Year 5 Visit IntoUniversity

    Published 23/03/22

    This week, our Year 5 children walked through our local area to spend half a day at IntoUniversity. The children took part in a range of workshops, linked to our Careers Related Learning framework. The children learned about:

    • What a university is
    • The courses you can study at university
    • Looking ahead at their own career aspirations
    • The type of accommodation there is at universities
    • Where you can study in the UK and around the world

    The children showed fantastic engagement in the sessions and the staff are so proud of them all.

    Take a look at what they got up to!

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  • Year 1 Visit Temple Newsam

    Published 23/03/22

    On Tuesday 22nd March, Year 1 visited Temple Newsham Farm to see a working farm in action, and what happens in the spring time for lots of the animals. The farm has a breeding program which means at this time of the year there are lots of lambs, calves and piglets being born. The children enjoyed the sights of a rural area as part of the many communities in Leeds, and the children explored what it means to be a farmer. Take a look at what they got up to! 

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 18 March 2022

    Published 18/03/22

    Attendance Easter Egg Winners

    Make sure your child is in school every day to be in with a chance of winning an Easter egg prize! You’ve got to be in it to win it! Take a look at this week’s winners and their tasty prizes.

    A massive thank you to Lee at Sovereign Street’s Co-op and all the stores that have donated these for our children.

    This half term’s attendance raffle prize is an Easter hamper, full of treats and lots of chocolate goodies. Make sure your child is here every day to be in with a chance of wining! The raffle will be drawn at any time from now to the end of the term.

    Y4 Class Assembly

    This week, 4A invited their parents into school for our first face-to-face class assembly of the school year. The children were very enthusiastic and talked about their learning in English, maths, science and their Romans topic. Well done 4A!

    Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

    Over the next 2 weeks we are trying to show how active we are as a school. Every morning the teachers will be asking their class how they got to school. To be active you need to walk, cycle or scooter to school. We will count the children for each class who have come to school in an active way and see which class is the most active!

    Y6 Parent’s Breakfast

    On Friday 18th March, Year 6 were invited to breakfast with their parents. A lovely time was had by all, eating a delicious breakfast together and having a natter before starting the school day. Thank you to our kitchen staff for providing us with tasty food and for the children and parents who could join us.

    We will be inviting other year groups for breakfast very soon!

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  • Reception visit Temple Newsam

    Published 11/03/22

    Reception have been learning about the farm this half term. After reading lots of books about farm animals, they took a trip to Temple Newsam farm to see some real ones. The children loved seeing all the animals they had been reading about and had the extra treat of meeting lots of their babies! After a lovely picnic lunch, they even had time to play on the park, enjoying the spring sunshine. 

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  • World Book Day Competition Winners

    Published 09/03/22

    Thursday 3rd March was World Book Day! You can read the full story about what we got up to on the day here.

    Miss Lewis set our children a competition to create a poster based on this year’s theme ‘you are a reader!’ We were blown away by our children’s posters and are so proud to share the winning entries with you!

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  • Year 5 Imaginative Inventors Project

    Published 08/03/22

    As part of our Careers Related Learning with the Skills Builder Partnership, Year 5 took part in a project asking them to become Imaginative Inventors. The children were set the task to plan an invention that would help support sustainability and support environmental causes. The children worked hard, using the eight key skills of listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork to create their designs.

    Twenty children had the opportunity to meet with Clara and Dave from Wates, a construction company. The children had to pitch their plans to the experts who gave some advice and shared their thoughts on the designs. The children also asked Clara and Dave some questions about working in the construction industry.

    The children worked very hard. Take a look at what they got up to!

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 7 March

    Published 07/03/22

    Welcome back!

    It has been wonderful to see our children and families return after the February half term. We’ve had lots happen already and are so proud of our children’s hard work, care and resilience.

    Please make sure your children are here every day, with their book bags and reading books. Children should come to school in correct uniform and bring PE kit to change into on their allocated days. PE days for our year groups are:

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  • Fairtrade Fortnight 2022

    Published 05/03/22

    For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes, people who are often exploited and underpaid.

    Fairtrade Foundation

    Working with our sponsor, Co-op, the children at Woodlands took part in a range of Fairtrade acitvities linked to our Design Technology curriculum focus of food and nutrition. The children explored the use of Fairtrade ingredients to make and sell a range of delicious goodies! The money raised this year will be donated to the Ukraine Conflict appeal.

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March 2022