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News and Letters

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  • Big Maths Reasoning Morning

    Published 13/11/21

    On Friday 12th November, our whole school took part in a reasoning morning.

    "Reasoning in maths is the process of applying logical thinking to a situation to find the correct problem solving strategy for a given question, and using this method to develop and describe a solution. Put more simply, mathematical reasoning is the bridge between fluency (maths understanding) and problem solving."

    White Rose Maths

    Miss Faulkner started the sessions with an assembly where she introduced the day and launched our year group TTRockstars battle! The children then spent the morning working collaboratively to solve a range of reasoning problems.

    "It was fantastic to see how resilient our learners were. The maths talk was fantastic, aiming high and worked together to solve problems independently. Well done Woodlands!"

    Miss Faulkner, Maths Leader

    Read more about our Maths curriculum here.

    Take a look at what we got up to!

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  • Meet Our Reading Ambassadors

    Published 13/11/21

    Meet our new Reading Ambassadors! These children have been chosen by their teachers as good role models for reading. They will be working closely with their friends in classes to encourage them to read at home, filling out our book bag battle charts and standing up for our right to read!

    I am thrilled to be working with our Reading Ambassadors this year. We are going to succeed together in supporting everyone in school to read and getting even more children to read at home with their families. Keep your eyes peeled throughout the year to see what we get up to – we have lots of exciting things coming up!

    Read more about our English curriculum here.

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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 12th November 2021

    Published 12/11/21

    Your Voice Survey

    In the next few weeks you will be able to complete the Your Voice survey from our Trust. This is a way for the school and the Trust to gather your views and to find out how the school can support and do more for you and your child. Look out for the text with the link, we would really appreciate it if you could fill it in. I should only take you 5 minutes to complete.

    Skills Builder

    Our focus this half term is Aim High. Please share with us any pictures of your child when they are showing that they are aiming high at home. You can take pictures and email it to your year group email which you can find here.

    This week try to Aim High by doing an activity as a family like going for a walk to the park together and play a game as a family, or you can cook a meal together.


    In the next 2 weeks, we will be selecting a specific day and every parent/family who bring their child to school that day will receive a raffle ticket. Year 5 and 6 children walking home can take their raffle ticket home at the end of the day. If you are in on the chosen day you will stand the chance to win a prize in our raffle draw! So make sure your child is in school every day!

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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 5th November 2021

    Published 05/11/21

    Welcome back after the half term holidays. We were so pleased to see our children back and working hard in their lessons.

    Skills Builder

    In the last newsletter we told all parents about our whole school skill-building curriculum and that our focus for this half term will be on Aiming high in their learning and in life. This week all the children had their first session on this and it was really great to see so many of them talking about their futures, what they would like to do as a job one day and what they need to do in learning and at home to reach this ambition. In school we will be referring to the work in class and what children can do to Aim high in their learning to reach their goals. To support this we would like children to also use these skills to for example set themselves challenges by for example doing extra reading for their Reading challenge, doing an extra project based on their topic this half term or by doing extra tasks around the house to help you out.

    Please share your stories with us by emailing your child’s class teacher, the email address for your class can be found on the website at Here you will find your year group and if you go onto the platform you can reach the email address.


    As you are well aware it is important for your child to be in school every day to help them with their learning but also to ensure they maintain good friendship groups and have as many opportunities as the school and a good education can offer. We are sending letters home to inform you of your child’s attendance of the last half term. We had 150 children last half term who had a 100% attendance and we are planning a reward for them in the next few weeks. If you have any questions or need to speak to us about how we can support you in improving your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Anderson directly.

    Contact Information

    Last half term we send data collection sheets home to inform the school about any changes of address and/or contact numbers. It is really important for the school to hold the right information for you as we should be able to reach you in case of an emergency and/or if we need to share anything of importance with you. Please do answer your phone when school calls you as it will be important.

    Our First Skills Visioning Session

    National Online Safety

    Co-op Academy Woodlands is now part of National Online Safety, a great free online resource about keeping your children safe online.

    You can read more about online safety on our website too. Visit our online safety page.

    Sign up here! 

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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 22nd October

    Published 22/10/21

    Dear Parents/carers,

    It is the end of our very first half term this academic year. The majority of our children came back and settled really well into their new classes and have produced some high-quality work. The children clearly enjoy our wider curriculum and we’ve had a number of classes having experiences in school as well as going on trips. It is really nice to be able to go out and about more to give our children experiences which supports their learning.

    I would like to thank all our parents who have attended out Parent Consultation evening this week. It was good to see so many of you in school and I am glad you had the opportunity to have a look at your child’s work. 

    Skills Builder

    This year, the school partnered up with the Skills Builder programme. The Skills Builder curriculum aims to teach all our children the 8 essential skills of listening, speaking, problem-solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork. These skills will support children not just now in Primary school, but also in all areas of their life as well as when they move to high school, college, university or apprenticeships. In the first week back, we will have our very first ‘Visioning Day’ where we will introduce one of these 8 skills, Aiming High. In our first newsletter back after the holidays we will share with you more on this.


    We are seeing so many more children with school uniform in school! Please make sure children come to school in their uniform, even on PE days, and now that it is turning colder we need children to come to school in a warm coat. If you have any old uniform or cots that have a bit of wear left in them, please donate them to school so we can share it out. Coming soon: Uniform swap shop!


    Please ensure you call the school if your child is going to be absent. We need to have the children in school every day so they have the opportunity to learn and build on their friendships. In the first week back, you will receive a letter with your child’s attendance. 

    Have a restful and safe break and we are really looking forward to seeing you all back on the 1st November!

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  • Year 1 Visit Yorkshire Wildlife Park

    Published 19/10/21

    On Thursday, Year 1 visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park as part of their science topic on animals.

    The children saw lots of different animals. Their favourite animals were the lions, giraffes and polar bears. The children also learned a lot about their eating habits and whether they were herbivores, carnivores or omnivores.

    Check out Year 1’s curriculum for the autumn term. 

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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 15th October 2021

    Published 15/10/21

    3W’s Stone Age Topic

    The children in Year 3 have made a great start to the year!

    In English we have read the story Orion and the Dark, which the children really enjoyed. We learnt about speech bubbles and how to punctuate direct speech, which we then included in our own versions of the story. 

    In topic, we have been learning about the Stone Age. The children have learnt about where Stone Age people live, what they ate and the tools they used. This week the children turned into hunters and gatherers and went to hunt for food. We then returned to class and made a Stone Age dessert. 

    The children have been learning about light in science. So far we have learnt about light sources, reflections and how a shadow is made. We then made shadow puppets about characters from Orion and the Dark. 

    Take a look

    Parent Consultation Evenings

    RESPECT Winners

    Attendance Winners

    School attendance is mandatory. Parents must make sure their children attend school when they are well enough to do so. Please make sure your children are dropped off and collected on time.

    It’s Good to Grow with Morrison

    Morrisons is giving away free gardening equipment to schools! With a MyMorrisons account, collect Grow Tokens when you shop online or in store and donate them to our school! 💐

    For more information, visit

    #itsgoodtogrow #makegoodthingshappen

    COVID19 👈

    Following current guidance, we do not have year group ‘bubbles’ and children and staff will be able to mix with each other throughout the school day. Bubbles may have to be reintroduced when necessary. 

    Classes are set up differently to last year and children will go to Key stage assemblies. We will continue to have whole school assemblies virtually for the time being.

    We will have staggered break and lunchtimes. This is to ensure that lunchtimes runs smoothly and children have more space on the playground.

    Read more about our Coronavirus plans.

    Self Isolation

    The rules for self-isolation changed for England on 16th August. If you are unsure if your child should be isolating, contact school and we can help you.

    National Online Safety

    Co-op Academy Woodlands is now part of National Online Safety, a great free online resource about keeping your children safe online.

    You can read more about online safety on our website too. Visit our online safety page.

    Sign up here!

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  • 3W’s Stone Age Topic

    Published 14/10/21

    The children in Year 3 have made a great start to the year!

    In English we have read the story Orion and the Dark, which the children really enjoyed. We learnt about speech bubbles and how to punctuate direct speech, which we then included in our own versions of the story. 

    In topic, we have been learning about the Stone Age. The children have learnt about where Stone Age people live, what they ate and the tools they used. This week the children turned into hunters and gatherers and went to hunt for food. We then returned to class and made a Stone Age dessert. 

    The children have been learning about light in science. So far we have learnt about light sources, reflections and how a shadow is made. We then made shadow puppets about characters from Orion and the Dark. 


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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 8th October 2021

    Published 08/10/21

    National Poetry Day!

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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 1st October 2021

    Published 30/09/21

    6P Visit Into University!

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  • Amazing Angles and Vivacious Vikings

    Published 24/09/21

    This term, 5S are studying Anglo-Saxons and learning about Viking life in Britain. We have been extremely excited to have learned about how these tribes invaded England (Angle-Land) and Yorkshire and how they settled to live in towns and villages – and even Leeds!

    Last week in our Golden Enrichment Time, we created a Viking Punch; using historical ingredients to make a “delicious” drink. We grated apples, chopped grapes and squashed blueberries before adding apple juice and a mixed fruit cordial. We then had a Viking biscuit (on Oat Nibble) to soak up all the punch. I think Year 5 were quite surprised (and happy!) that it tasted quite nice – we even had to make some more… just to check the taste of course! 

    Mr. Senior


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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 24th September 2021

    Published 24/09/21

    Year 2 Visit the Seaside 

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