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Woodlands Weekly | Friday 10th September 2021

A message from Mrs.Clark

I want to take this opportunity to welcome all our families, old and new. I hope you had an amazing summer and you managed to recharge your batteries and you are ready for the new school year. We have so much to celebrate from last year and we hope to continue to build on our successes.

This week, our children got to know their new teachers and are settling back into school life. We are so proud of all of our children this week, coming back to school in such a positive way. Thank you!


Following current guidance, we do not have year group ‘bubbles’ and children and staff will be able to mix with each other throughout the school day. Bubbles may have to be reintroduced when necessary. 

Classes are set up differently to last year and children will go to Key stage assemblies. We will continue to have whole school assemblies virtually for the time being.

We will have staggered break and lunchtimes. This is to ensure that lunchtimes runs smoothly and children have more space on the playground.

Self Isolation

The rules for self-isolation changed for England on 16th August. If you are unsure if your child should be isolating, contact school and we can help you.

RESPECT Points Winners


School attendance will be mandatory again from the beginning of the autumn term. Parents must make sure their children attend school when they are well enough to do so. Please make sure your children are here and collected on time.

National Online Safety

Co-op Academy Woodlands is now part of National Online Safety, a great free online resource about keeping your children safe online.

Sign up here! 



Uniform shows that we are in a community. Wearing it says we’re all in
this together. 

Our day to day uniform for children in reception to year 6:

  • Blue jumper or cardigan, preferably our
    jumper with logo
  • Trousers or skirt in grey or black
  • Polo shirt or shirt in white
  • Black smart shoes, flat with no heels
  • Head scarves in navy blue, black or grey