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Leeds Teaching Hospitals Careers Day

On Tuesday 4th July, seven volunteers from Leeds Teaching Hopsitals came to Woodlands for a careers day with Year 6.

We first listed any jobs we could think of in the NHS. Take a look at what we came up with

After this, we watched a video that showed the number of people involved when someone calls 999. We listed 18 jobs that were involved in this scenario to help the injured person recover.

Next, we had to ask the volunteers questions about their job and try to work out what their career in the NHS might be. This was tough! After playtime, we found out the careers of all the volunteers. They included: a scientist, Dental Nurse, a Pharmacist Technician, a Communications Training Manager and an apprentice Scientist!

We also found out the importance of washing our hands, using special cream to show us the amount of bacteria on our hands before and after washing, using a special lamp to highlight the germs!

After lunch, we took part in a range of activites run by each of the volunteers. We had a fantastic time and learned a lot about the range of careers in the NHS.

All of the careers have one thing in common… They want to help people.


We’d like to say a massive thank you to Lucy and her team of volunteers for spending the day with us!