End of Year Reports
Dear Parents and Carers,
End of Year reports give us an opportunity to share what your child has learnt this year, their strengths and successes as well as targets for moving forward.
Children in Reception to Year 6
Your child’s End of Year reports can be collected on Monday 15th or Tuesday 16th July from your child’s classroom. All reports must be sent home with an adult as they contain personal information.
Children in Nursery
N2's children's End of Year reports will be handed to you when you collect your children this week. All reports must be sent home with an adult as they contain personal information.
For our children in Year 5 and Year 6 that walk home, we ask that a parent or carer come to school to collect reports too. We won’t be able to send reports home with children who walk home on their own.
We hope you enjoy spending time reading the reports and celebrating your children’s successes. We are very proud of all of our children and what they have achieved this year.
If you have any questions about your child’s end of year report, please speak to their teacher.
Kind regards,
Mr. Trower
Deputy Headteacher