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Y3 Reading with Turner and Townsend

On Thursday 31st March, Year 3 had a visit from staff from Turner and Townsend, a building company who are working with the National Literacy Trust.

Year 3 had such a fun morning with volunteers from Turner and Townsend. The children discussed how to write book reviews and wrote one about one of the books we have been reading in class – The Demon Dentist. We then listened to the story ‘Somebody Crunched Colin’ which taught us why it is important to throw rubbish in the bin and recycle. We then got to choose a book to take home and keep! We couldn’t wait to start reading them! 

Miss Wilson, Year 3 Teacher

We’d like to thank both the National Literacy Trust and the volunteers from Turner and Townsend for their visit. Our children had a wonderful time and we are looking forward to hearing about the stories the children are reading thanks to their kind donation of books.

Take a look at what the children got up to!