Y6 World of Work Week 2023
On Monday 10th – Friday 14th July, Year 6 took part in the Co-op Academies first ever Primary World of Work Week, also known as Careers Week. The children took part in a range of activities, met volunteers from a range of employers and further exlpored their options for when they leave school. Take a look at what they got up to each day!
Monday 10th July – Day 1
On day one of Careers week, Year 6 learned about the different options they will have ahead of them when they leave Year 11 in a few years time. The children learned about apprenticeships, T Levels, work and study. They then thought about their own future aspirations and researched about a suitable future careers that might suit their strengths and values.
In the afternoon, a range of volunteers came to Woodlands for a game called ‘What’s my line!’ The children had to try and work out the careers of the volunteers without them telling us! The volunteers that joined us were:
- Katie – A Funeral Director with Co-op
- Lottie – A Costume Designer for Smiffys
- Lucy – An ex-Woodlands student who is an Equine Rescue Worker
- Mark – A Marketing Director for an app development company
- Kerry – A Clinical Suport Worker with the NHS
We’d like to say a massive thank you to the volunteers that joined us, giving up their time to help us understand their jobs.
Tuesday 11th July – Day 2
On day 2, the children took part in an Enterprise day! They were set the challenge to work in teams to create a new food or drink prodcut for Co-op that had sustainable packaging. The children decided on key roles in each group and worked hard to develop their product. After lunch, they had to present their product to two ‘Dragons’ in the hope they would invest in their idea.
We’d like to thank Miss Faulkner and Mr Berry for joining us and being our Dragons in the Den for the day!
Wednesday 12th July – Day 3
On day 3, the children took part in a workplace visit. They boarded a coach and ventured into Leeds city centre to spend the day at PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). The children had a tour of their very flash offices, going up to the ninth floor in a glass lift! They spent the day in a real working office, learning about the company, the range of jobs within the business and the skills their staff need to have success. A couple of highlights was the delicious lunch and the sound-proof booth – the children would like one of these in school!
Thank you to Laura and all the staff at PwC for spending the day with us.
Thursday 13th July – Day 4
On Thursday, the children explored how to write an effective letter of application to either be a Teaching Assistant in school, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team! Year 6 learned how to ‘sell themselves’ in a job interview and practiced these skills. In the afternoon, every child had a 10 minute interview with some volunteers from the Co-op group. The children were very nervous but exceeded expectations, receiving incredibly postivie feedback.
Thank you to Jo Sykes (Co-op Academies Director of Careers), Keela, Katie, James, Danny, Luke, Carys and Joanne for helping with the interviews and spending the afternoon with us.
Friday 14th July – Day 5
On the final day of World of Work Week, the children worked in groups to create a presentation about the week, reflected on what they had learned about the world of work and wrote a thank you letter to the volunteers for giving up their time to be with us. In the afternoon, Jo Sykes was joined by Dr Chris Tomlinson, the CEO of Co-op Academies, for a wonderful celebration assembly where groups shared their presentations and children were awared certificates for their hard work and dedication throughout the week.
Jo also let us know who had been successful after their interviews for our job roles:
Teaching Assistants | Qayaam Best Lola Moayad |
SLT Members | Andrew Natasha Daryl Haroon |
A great big thank you to our parents, Jo, Dr Tomlinson and Laura from PwC for joinin us for our celebration assembly.