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Woodlands Weekly | 4 February

Time to Talk Day with Mind and Co-op

This Thursday, 3rd February, was Time to Talk Day. To celebrate, we invited parents into the hall for coffee, cake, chat and chill. It was great to see so many parents together and we hope to do more sessions soon. Time to Talk Day aims at getting us to start conversations about mental health and wellbeing.

Next week is Children’s Mental Health week. Every day, our children will be doing a range of activities about mental health and wellbeing. We will also be showcasing the children’s learning with you next week.

On Friday 11th February, children can come to school ‘dressed to express!’

RSE Survey

Relationships education is an important part of our P.S.H.E. curriculum and we want to know what our parents think.

Complete the R.S.E. parent survey

Y3’s Visit from a Physiotheriapist

This week, Year 3 had a visit from Heather, a physiotherpaist.

Coming up next week…