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Woodlands Weekly | 21 January 2022

Time to Talk Day with Mind and Co-op

We are working closely with the mental health charity Mind and our Trust to look into ways how school can support our families and community further with their mental wellbeing.

Thursday 3rd February is Time to Talk day. In this week, our children will be learning about wellebing and mental health, exploring lots of different ways to look after themselves.

On Time to Talk day, we will be inviting parents into school for coffee, cake, chat and chill! Our children and staff will be taking part in this too. Look out for more information coming up – there will be limited spaces for this event so keep your eyes peeled!

Following Time to Talk Day, for Children’s Mental Health week, we will be showcasing the children’s learning with you.

Our Spring Term Topics

Our children are in their third week of their new topics. Take a look at our curriculum pages to find out more about what your children are learning!

Dinner Money

Please make sure you pay your dinner monies a week in advance. Pay these in a sealed envelope to your child’s class teacher or the main school office.

Time to Talk week is coming up!