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Woodlands Weekly | Friday 12th November 2021

Your Voice Survey

In the next few weeks you will be able to complete the Your Voice survey from our Trust. This is a way for the school and the Trust to gather your views and to find out how the school can support and do more for you and your child. Look out for the text with the link, we would really appreciate it if you could fill it in. I should only take you 5 minutes to complete.

Skills Builder

Our focus this half term is Aim High. Please share with us any pictures of your child when they are showing that they are aiming high at home. You can take pictures and email it to your year group email which you can find here.

This week try to Aim High by doing an activity as a family like going for a walk to the park together and play a game as a family, or you can cook a meal together.


In the next 2 weeks, we will be selecting a specific day and every parent/family who bring their child to school that day will receive a raffle ticket. Year 5 and 6 children walking home can take their raffle ticket home at the end of the day. If you are in on the chosen day you will stand the chance to win a prize in our raffle draw! So make sure your child is in school every day!

Next week is anti-bullying week! Don’t forget to wear your odd socks on Monday for Odd Socks day!

Whole-School Maths Reasoning Morning

Y5’s Viking PE Morning

National Online Safety

Co-op Academy Woodlands is now part of National Online Safety, a great free online resource about keeping your children safe online.

You can read more about online safety on our website too. Visit our online safety page.

Sign up here!