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Woodlands Weekly | Friday 5th November 2021

Welcome back after the half term holidays. We were so pleased to see our children back and working hard in their lessons.

Skills Builder

In the last newsletter we told all parents about our whole school skill-building curriculum and that our focus for this half term will be on Aiming high in their learning and in life. This week all the children had their first session on this and it was really great to see so many of them talking about their futures, what they would like to do as a job one day and what they need to do in learning and at home to reach this ambition. In school we will be referring to the work in class and what children can do to Aim high in their learning to reach their goals. To support this we would like children to also use these skills to for example set themselves challenges by for example doing extra reading for their Reading challenge, doing an extra project based on their topic this half term or by doing extra tasks around the house to help you out.

Please share your stories with us by emailing your child’s class teacher, the email address for your class can be found on the website at Here you will find your year group and if you go onto the platform you can reach the email address.


As you are well aware it is important for your child to be in school every day to help them with their learning but also to ensure they maintain good friendship groups and have as many opportunities as the school and a good education can offer. We are sending letters home to inform you of your child’s attendance of the last half term. We had 150 children last half term who had a 100% attendance and we are planning a reward for them in the next few weeks. If you have any questions or need to speak to us about how we can support you in improving your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Anderson directly.

Contact Information

Last half term we send data collection sheets home to inform the school about any changes of address and/or contact numbers. It is really important for the school to hold the right information for you as we should be able to reach you in case of an emergency and/or if we need to share anything of importance with you. Please do answer your phone when school calls you as it will be important.

Our First Skills Visioning Session

National Online Safety

Co-op Academy Woodlands is now part of National Online Safety, a great free online resource about keeping your children safe online.

You can read more about online safety on our website too. Visit our online safety page.

Sign up here!