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Woodlands Weekly | Friday 22nd October

Dear Parents/carers,

It is the end of our very first half term this academic year. The majority of our children came back and settled really well into their new classes and have produced some high-quality work. The children clearly enjoy our wider curriculum and we’ve had a number of classes having experiences in school as well as going on trips. It is really nice to be able to go out and about more to give our children experiences which supports their learning.

I would like to thank all our parents who have attended out Parent Consultation evening this week. It was good to see so many of you in school and I am glad you had the opportunity to have a look at your child’s work. 

Skills Builder

This year, the school partnered up with the Skills Builder programme. The Skills Builder curriculum aims to teach all our children the 8 essential skills of listening, speaking, problem-solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork. These skills will support children not just now in Primary school, but also in all areas of their life as well as when they move to high school, college, university or apprenticeships. In the first week back, we will have our very first ‘Visioning Day’ where we will introduce one of these 8 skills, Aiming High. In our first newsletter back after the holidays we will share with you more on this.


We are seeing so many more children with school uniform in school! Please make sure children come to school in their uniform, even on PE days, and now that it is turning colder we need children to come to school in a warm coat. If you have any old uniform or cots that have a bit of wear left in them, please donate them to school so we can share it out. Coming soon: Uniform swap shop!


Please ensure you call the school if your child is going to be absent. We need to have the children in school every day so they have the opportunity to learn and build on their friendships. In the first week back, you will receive a letter with your child’s attendance. 

Have a restful and safe break and we are really looking forward to seeing you all back on the 1st November!

Year 1 Visit the Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

National Online Safety

Co-op Academy Woodlands is now part of National Online Safety, a great free online resource about keeping your children safe online.

You can read more about online safety on our website too. Visit our online safety page.

Sign up here!