Our Co-op Commitment
We are part of the Co-op Academies Trust, a group of academies united by the values underpinning the co-operative movement; self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
Our sponsors work with us to support the Academy in making key decisions and in improving standards for everyone. Representatives from the Co-op sit alongside parents/carers, staff and other members of our governing body.
The Co-operative Group
The Co-op’s commitment to education is nothing new, when the co-operative movement started in the mid-nineteenth century, it provided educational activities for members and their families. To this day, education is one of the underpinning principles of the movement globally.
The Co-op has a clear purpose of “championing a better way of doing business for you and your communities”. It is owned and governed by its members and membership is open to everyone who shares the Co-op values and principles.
We show these values by working together for everyone’s benefit, and playing a full part in the community. As an ethical leader, The Co-op exists not just to serve its communities but to help them live their best lives.
'Co-op Values, which underpin the work of all schools in the Co-op Academies Trust, ensure that there is a strong culture of promoting respect for each other and respecting and celebrating diversity. As a result, pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.'
Contact Co-op Academies Trust
0161 692 4309
(Mon-Friday 9am-5pm)
(sales or marketing correspondence to the admin email address will be deleted)
Registered office in England:
1 Angel Square
M60 0AG
Company registration number: 07747126