British Values
'Acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; the pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.'
Co-op Academy Woodlands aim is to motivate children to succeed and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will permit them to completely engage and contribute confidently to life in modern Britain. We actively promote the fundamental principles of British Values as part of our wider work in school to outstanding provision of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education (SMSC). They run through everything that we do. Our highly inclusive environment is underpinned by the Co-op’s ‘Ways of Being’. Our children are equipped to leave school fully prepared for the future.
The Prevent Strategy defines the British values. These are key to allowing everybody to participate and contribute positively to our society. These values are:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Throughout the day, our Co-op Values and RESPECT programme are a part of everything we do. Our values teach ‘democracy’, ‘working together’ and ‘respect’, which work really well alongside the defined British values. Our broad and balanced curriculum allows the exploration of all of these values, across many different topics and subjects.
- We have a dynamic School Council, orchestrated by our children where their views and opinions are acknowledged.
- Children are amalgamated in democratic processes such as voting for children councillors.
- Activities are provided that involve turn-taking in class, at lunchtime and in after school sports clubs, sharing and collaboration.
Rule of Law
- Frequently, children discuss aspects of behaviour and its consequences, distinguishing right from wrong. At the start of each academic year, teachers revise and collaborate the ‘school rules’ and the codes of behaviour with their classes which are then formulated as a contract and displayed in classes. Hence, every child knows the standard of behaviour expected. In our school, behaviour is managed positively where a range of rewards such as praise, respect points (respect badges) and golden time minutes are utilised.
- The police and our local PCSOs visit our school on a regular basis.
- As part of our PSHE curriculum, children know their own right and respect the right of others.
Individual Liberty
- Collective responsibility is taken to ensure that individual liberties are respected and valued.
- Opportunities are given to our children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and enhance their confidence.
- We embolden a range of enriched experiences, allowing our children to reflect on their differences and to understand that different opinions are permitted.
- A range of interventions are given to ensure all children can achieve their utmost potential such as strengthening minds and circle of friends.
- We participate in Anti-bullying week every year, reviewing our school’s Anti-Bullying Code.
- Stereotyping and bias is challenged in our work in PSHE, Care to Talk and our Career Skills Sessions.
Mutual Respect
- Our focus is that each and every individual child in school feels valued, respected and treated equally.
- Respect Assembly is held weekly where the successes of our learners across school are celebrated.
- Our children obtain a broad range of responsibilities such as playground leaders and assisting during lunchtime.
- Charitable causes are supported such as local food banks, British Red Cross, Save the Children and care homes for the elderly.
- In our PSHE and RE curriculum, British festivals and special events such as Christmas, Easter, Eid, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Hanukkah, Remembrance Day, World Book day, Children in Need are celebrated throughout the year.
- Children are educated from a range of backgrounds and from many different places, views, faiths, cultures and races are appreciated.
- A stimulating environment is promoted where everyone feels safe and secure.
- Positive relationships are advocated so everyone can work together with the common purpose of helping each other to learn and behave considerately.
- Children are taught to become positive, responsible, self-motivated, independent learners in school and well-rounded, valuable members in the wider community who understand the importance of and treat others with respect and tolerance.
- Our PHSE curriculum equips children to negotiate, share and co-operate.
- Our RE curriculum teaches children about the different faiths, beliefs, cultures, traditions and customs of all religions, sharing and discussing different practices, celebrations and experiences.
We are a Picture News advocate school
At Co-op Academy Woodlands, Picture News is used weekly to support British Values. The weekly Picture News image and news paper is used as a stimulus to educate the children on a current topic and for them to open up meaningful discussions freely with their peers, formulating debates, sharing personal views and opinions about the world, introducing new vocabulary, encouraging them to learn about themselves and others, talk about own experiences and how they can help to make a difference.
Educate Against Hate
Each half term we focus on a particular Co-op Value, we embrace that value with tasks, trips and other activities. These insights and experience give our children real life experiences to why our values really matter. Promoting these values, ensure our children are not only prepared for a life in modern Britain, but they appreciate it too.
The Educate Against Hate website contains lots of useful information.