Roma Community Newsletter
Welcome to the first newsletter from the Roma Community Liaison Team at Co-op Academy Leeds!
Co-op Academies are working with Mission 44, a charity set up by Lewis Hamilton, to support inclusion of students from ethnic minority groups. Part of our work has been to set up a team to support Roma children and families feel more included.
Meet Albert 👋
My name is Albert Mailat, Community liaison officer. My job includes liaising between the Roma community and Co-op Academies. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any other information, either if you are a member of the staff or a pupil and have something to discuss or are simply interested in learning about the Roma people. You can find me in DL2 or call : 07762945638.
Numele meu este Albert Mailat, Ofițer de Legătură Comunitară. Munca mea include intermedierea între comunitatea romă și Trustul CO-OP. Vă rog să nu ezitați să mă contactați pentru orice altă informație, fie că sunteți membru al personalului sau elev și aveți ceva de discutat sau sunteți pur și simplu interesat să aflați mai multe despre poporul rom. Mă găsiți în DL2 sau sunați la: 07762945638.
Meet Mirela 👋
My name is Mirela Ciobotaru and as Community Liaison Officer in a Co-op Academy. My role is pivotal in fostering a positive and productive relationship between the school, students, families, and the broader community. My responsibilities encompass a wide range of activities, all aimed at enhancing educational experience, community engagement, and the overall well-being of those connected to the academy.
Numele meu este Mirela Ciobotaru și în calitate de Ofițer de Legătură Comunitară într-o Academie Co-op, rolul meu este crucial în cultivarea unei relații pozitive și productive între școală, elevi, familii și comunitatea în ansamblu. Responsabilitățile mele cuprind o gamă largă de activități, toate având ca scop îmbunătățirea experienței educaționale, implicarea comunitară și bunăstarea generală a celor conectați la academie.
Meet David 👋
My name is Mr David Horvath. I come from Slovakia. I have been working with Roma families for over 8 years at a secondary school but also doing voluntary work to support the Roma Community. As a Community Liaison Officer, my role is to support Roma students and build inclusion as well as strong relationships with the Roma families in the Community. The aim is to build the Roma Community together so that they become stronger as one and have their voice listened to. With this in mind, my role involves me providing recommendations and strategies to improve attendance and tackle challenging behaviours in a better way.
Volám sa David Horvath a pochádzam zo Slovenska. Pracoval som s Rómskymi rodinkami 8 rokov na strednej škole, a tak tiež som vykonával dobrovoľne práce, kde som podporoval Rómsku komunitu. V profesie ako, Community Liaison Officer, mojou úlohou je pracovať s Rómskymi študentmi, aby sa cítili integrovaný, a tak tiež udržiavať pozitívne vstahy s Rómskou komunitou. Hlavným cieľom je, aby sa Rómska komunita zjednotila a aby mali svoj hlas. Mojou úlohou je tiež poskytovať odporúčania a stratégie, ako zlepšiť dochádzku v škole, a ako môžeme lepšie zvládať problémy týkajúce sa správania študentov.
To introduce ourselves and to get to know the community better, we will organize meetings at Co-op Academy Woodlands School. The date and time of the meetings will be communicated in advance.
We would like as many parents as possible to participate, so that we can begin talking to you about the activities we have planned and discuss the school's internal rules.
Examples of upcoming events:
Carol / song concert in the Co-op Academy Leeds Library on 20th December.
Albert, Mirela and David will be at Woodlands on Tuesday 5th December to meet you all!
Albert, Mirela și David vor fi la Woodlands marți, 5 decembrie, pentru a vă cunoaște pe toți!