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Woodlands Weekly | 1st December 2023

Year 1 and 3 Pantomime Visit 🎭

On Thursday, Year 1 and Year 3 went to the Carriageworks Theatre to see Snow White! The children had a fantastic time and some were even brave enough to get up on stage and win some prizes!

You can find out more about the other year groups' trips to see Snow White here.

  • Reception and Year 6: Tuesday 12th December
  • Year 2, Year 4 and Year 5: Wednesday 13th December

6PH visit IntoUniversity 🎓

This week, 6PH have been taking part in their Focus Week with Into University! They've been completing a secret mission to show what they have learnt about Ancient Greece and will graduate today at the University of Leeds!

Pop Up Christmas Shop 🛒

Every day your child attends school, they will earn money to spend in our Pop-Up Shop! This is something the children have asked for and have promised they are going to try their hardest to be at school every day.

If your child is in school every day until the end of term, they can earn up to £10 to spend at the shop. This will be reduced if they have a day off.

We are mindful that some absences are authorised and therefore the children will not lose out. For example, an illness supported by medical proof of a GP appointment or a visit to a pharmacy, a hospital appointment if we have proof of the day and time of the appointment etc.

Children will have less to spend if they have an unauthorised absence, for example, illness with no proof of medical appointments, days off school with no explanation, holidays in term time, arriving to school late etc.

The children are very excited about spending lots of money in the shop, and they need your support to ensure they can be in school every day!

Roma Community Team Newsletter 📝

Co-op Academies are working with Mission 44, a charity set up by Lewis Hamilton, to support inclusion of students from ethnic minority groups. Part of our work has been to set up a team to support Roma children and families feel more included.

Albert, Mirela and David will be coming to Woodlands on Tuesday 4th December to meet you all!

Relationships and Sex Education (R.S.E.) Units 👍 

Our children in Years 2 - 6 will be starting their R.S.E. units next week. If you'd like to know more, you can find some resources on the PSHE page of our website here, you can speak to your child's class teacher, or give us a call.