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Woodlands Weekly | 6th September 2024

Welcome to the first Woodlands Weekly of the school year! 🌳

You can translate this page into different languages by clicking on the globe icon 🌎 at the top of the page! 

Term Dates 📅

You can find our term dates for next year on our website.

Welcome back! ✨

What a fantastic first few days we've had to start the new school year! It's been wonderful to see so many children back in school and settling in to their new classes, getting to know their teachers and starting their learning. Our children have shown respect and incredible engagement - keep it up Team Woodlands!

We've also been blown away by how smart children have looked in their school uniforms, and the number of children and families coming to school on time has been amazing. Well done!

Reach out

If you have any questions as your child settles into their new year group, please speak to a member of our staff team at the doors, or give us a call

Attendance matters: all day, every day! 🎈

Children should be in school every day, on time, unless they are unwell. 

Coming to school every day allows your child to get the best possible education.

Is your child ill or cannot attend school?

Call, email or text us before 9am.

0113 2407382 > option 1 to report your child absent



The School Day

Reception to year 6

  • Doors open at 8:40 am
  • Day begins at 8:45 am
  • Day ends at 3:15 pm

Nursery 1

Monday, Tuesday
  • Day begins at 8:40 am
  • Day ends at 3:15 pm

  • Day begins at 8:40 am
  • Day ends at 11:15 am


Nursery 2

  • Day begins at 1:00 pm
  • Day ends at 3:15 pm

Thursday, Friday
  • Day begins at 8:40 am
  • Day ends at 3:15 pm

Uniform ✔️

Uniform shows that we are a community. Wearing it says we're all in this together.

Children should be in the correct school uniform every day.

If you have any questions, or need support with uniform, please give us a call or pop in. 

Unsuitable Items

We know that trends in clothing and accessories can be appealing, but sometimes these aren’t suitable.

Some items aren’t suitable because they could be dangerous, such as: heeled shoes, shoes with wheels (Heelys etc.) and jewellery (apart from stud earrings). Items are also unsuitable if they are distracting or cause confrontations, like extreme hairstyles or very large hair bows.

Things may change, new trends and fashion might be unsuitable. We’ll keep you up to date with any changes.

Meet the Teacher 🎈

Pop to your child's classroom to find out about their new teacher, and what they will be learning this year.

  • Wednesday 18th September;
  • From 3:20pm;
  • If you have children in different year groups, you can pop in and see all the teachers until 4:20pm.

Have a look at what we've been up to this week 👇

Children have been getting to know their new teachers, catching up with their friends and thinking about the year ahead. They also complete their first Plan and Review of the year, sharing their aspirations for the future. 🚀

Everyone in #TeamWoodlands wears a green badge! 🌳
Our children and staff are given a green badge every year to show we are part of the same team; one community succeeding together. 🤗👍

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Training days this week were about our plans for this year, safeguarding and keeping children safe, our expectations and training for foundation subject leaders!

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