Y6 World of Work Week 2024

On Monday 10th - Friday 14th June, Year 6 took part in the Co-op Academies first ever Primary World of Work Week, also known as Careers Week. The children took part in a range of activities, met volunteers from a range of employers and further explored their options for when they leave school. Have a look at what they got up to each day!
Monday 10th June – Day 1
On day one of Careers week, Year 6 learnt about the different options they will have ahead of them when they leave Year 11 in a few years' time. The children learnt about apprenticeships, T Levels, work and study. They then thought about their own future aspirations and researched about a suitable future career that might suit their strengths and values.
In the afternoon, a range of volunteers came to Woodlands for a game called ‘What’s my line!’ The children had to try and work out the careers of the volunteers without them telling us! The volunteers that joined us were:
- Tom from F1 in schools;
- Shauna, a student nurse and Tesco employee;
- Katie, a Co-op Funeral Director;
- Smita, an optometrist;
- Matthew, a Co-op store manager;
- Andy, a Police Officer with West Yorkshire Police;
- Danielle, a finance manager.
Tuesday 11th June – Day 2
On day 2, the children took part in Enterprise day! They were set the challenge to work in teams to create a new sweet product for Co-op that had sustainable packaging. The children decided on key roles in each group and worked hard to develop their product. After lunch, they had to present their product to two ‘Dragons’ in the hope they would invest in their idea.
Wednesday 12th June - Day 3
The children explored how to write an effective letter of application to either be a Teaching Assistant in school, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team! Year 6 learnt how to ‘sell themselves’ in a job interview and practised these skills. In the afternoon, every child had a 10-minute interview with some volunteers. The children were very nervous but exceeded expectations, receiving incredibly positive feedback.
Thursday 13th June - Day 4
On day 4, the children took part in a workplace visit. They boarded a coach and ventured into Leeds city centre to spend the day at PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). The children had a tour of their very flash offices, going up to the ninth floor in a glass lift! They spent the day in a real working office, learning about the company, the range of jobs within the business and the skills their staff need to have success. A couple of highlights were the delicious lunch and the sound-proof booth – the children would like one of these in school!
Thank you to the staff at PwC for spending the day with us.
Friday 14th June - Day 5
On the final day of World of Work Week, the children worked in groups to create a presentation about the week, reflected on what they had learnt about the world of work and wrote a thank-you letter to the volunteers for giving up their time to be with us. In the afternoon, parents joined us for a wonderful celebration assembly where groups shared their presentations and children were awarded certificates for their hard work and dedication throughout the week.
Friday was also My Future Day in school. The children came dressed as what they'd like to be, or the career they'd like to have when they are older.