PSHE Policy
PSHE Policy
Approved by: Adele Clark (Headteacher)
Date: October 2023
Last review: October 2023
Next review: October 2024
Through our curriculum, our school environment, our school ethos and the strength of our relationships, we strive to promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional and physical well-being and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, at school, at work and in the community.
Through our curriculum we want our pupils to know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and develop a growing awareness of a broad range of safety issues.
Pupil voice lies at the heart of our school and the curriculum and opportunities we offer our pupils mean that pupils grow into independent, active and responsible members of our school community playing an active part in decision making.
In order to flourish, thrive and develop into happy adults who contribute effectively to society, pupils at Co-op Academy Woodlands develop their personalities and behaviour through the specific focus on important values that enable them to reflect, learn, behave with integrity and work consistently well with others. With these skills, combined with the development of responsibility and resilience, pupils are then able to draw upon their understanding in order to engage and excel in the ever-changing world in which they live both now and in the future.
Our overarching curriculum intent states:
Our ambitious curriculum is designed to help pupils discover their talents and interests, and hence, understand what success means and feels like for them. Through our curriculum, we prioritise pupils’ moral development. We are passionate about our children having the courage to make the right moral choices, regardless of who is watching.
Statutory requirements
PSHE is a non-statutory subject. However, there are aspects of it we are required to teach.
We must teach relationships education under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, in line with the terms set out in statutory guidance
This policy also complies with the terms of our funding agreement.
Content and delivery
3.1 What we teach
As stated above, we’re required to cover the content for relationships and sex education, and health education, as set out in the statutory guidance (linked to above).
Refer to our relationships and sex education policy for details about what we teach, and how we decide on what to teach, in this subject. This policy can be found in the policy section of our website.
For other aspects of PSHE, including health education, our long term plan for more details about what we teach in each year.
Week beginning: | Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 | |
Autumn A (8 weeks) Notes: Y5/6 to complete My Health, My School survey | 04.09.23 11.09.23 | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Making friends | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Making friends, expressing and regulating emotions. | Transition and Emotion Coaching (2 weeks) | Transition and Emotion Coaching (2 weeks) | Transition and Emotion Coaching (2 weeks) | Transition and Emotion Coaching (2 weeks) | Transition and Emotion Coaching (2 weeks) | Transition and Emotion Coaching (2 weeks) |
18.09.23 25.09.23 02.10.23 | Keeping safe and managing risk Feeling safe: playing, learning and managing risks | Keeping safe and managing risk Feeling safe: playing, learning and managing risks | Internet safety (3 weeks) | Internet safety (3 weeks) | Internet safety (3 weeks) | Internet safety (3 weeks) | Internet safety (3 weeks) | Internet safety (3 weeks) | |
09.10.23 | Climate week (1 week) | Climate week (1 week) | Climate week (1 week) | Climate week (1 week) | Climate week (1 week) | Climate week (1 week) | |||
16.10.23 23.10.23 | Black History Month (2 weeks) | Black History Month (2 weeks) | Black History Month (2 weeks) | Black History Month (2 weeks) | Black History Month (2 weeks) | Black History Month (2 weeks) | |||
Autumn B (7 weeks) | 06.11.23 | Physical health and wellbeing Fun times: special food from other cultures and different celebrations | Identity, society and equality Exploring differences between themselves and others. | Mental health and wellbeing (1 week) | Mental health and wellbeing (1 week) | Mental health and wellbeing (1 week) | Mental health and wellbeing (1 week) | Mental health and wellbeing (1 week) | Mental health and wellbeing (1 week) |
13.11.23 | Anti-bullying week (1 week) | Anti-bullying week (1 week) | Anti-bullying week (1 week) | Anti-bullying week (1 week) | Anti-bullying week (1 week) | Anti-bullying week (1 week) | |||
20.11.23 27.11.23 | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Qualities of positive friendships | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Qualities of positive friendships | Mental health and wellbeing (2 weeks) | Mental health and wellbeing (2 weeks) | Mental health and wellbeing (2 weeks) | Mental health and wellbeing (2 weeks) | Mental health and wellbeing (2 weeks) | Mental health and wellbeing (2 weeks) | |
04.12.23 11.12.23 18.12.23 | Keeping safe and managing risk Feeling safe: Naming parts of our bodies. Keeping safe and managing risk Feeling safe: knowing body parts and their functions | Keeping safe and managing risk Feeling safe: Naming parts of our bodies. Keeping safe and managing risk Feeling safe: knowing body parts and their functions | Physical health and wellbeing (3 weeks) | RSE (3 weeks) | RSE (3 weeks) | RSE (3 weeks) | RSE (3 weeks) | RSE (3 weeks) | |
Spring A (5 weeks) | 08.01.24 15.01.24 22.01.24 | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Feelings: good and bad feelings Mental health and emotional wellbeing Feelings: good and bad feelings, learning how to manage emotions. | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Feelings: good and bad feelings Mental health and emotional wellbeing Feelings: good and bad feelings, learning how to manage emotions. | Physical health and wellbeing (3 weeks) | Physical health and wellbeing (3 weeks) | Physical health and wellbeing (3 weeks) | Physical health and wellbeing (3 weeks) | Physical health and wellbeing (3 weeks) | RSE (3 weeks) - to include FGM, CCE, CSE |
29.01.24 | Safer Internet Day (1 week): Traditional Tales | Safer Internet Day (1 week): Traditional Tales | Safer Internet Day (1 week) | Safer Internet Day (1 week) | Safer Internet Day (1 week) | Safer Internet Day (1 week) | Safer Internet Day (1 week) | Safer Internet Day (1 week) | |
Spring B (6 weeks) | 19.02.24 | Identity, society and equality: Bullying: I am unique- exploring differences Identity, society and equality: Bullying: Resolving conflicts | Identity, society and equality: Bullying: I am unique- exploring differences Identity, society and equality: Bullying: Resolving conflicts | Children’s Mental Health week (1 week) | Children’s Mental Health week (1 week) | Children’s Mental Health week (1 week) | Children’s Mental Health week (1 week) | Children’s Mental Health week (1 week) | Children’s Mental Health week (1 week) |
26.02.24 04.03.24 | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | Fairtrade fortnight (2 week) | |
11.03.24 18.03.24 25.03.24 | Physical health and wellbeing: Healthy eating, oral hygiene Physical health and wellbeing: Healthy eating, physical activity, sleep, hygiene and rest | Physical health and wellbeing: Healthy eating, oral hygiene Physical health and wellbeing: Healthy eating, physical activity, sleep, hygiene and rest | Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (3 weeks) | Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (3 weeks) | Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (3 weeks) | Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (3 weeks) | Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (3 weeks) | Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco (3 weeks) | |
Summer A (6 weeks) | 15.04.24 22.04.24 29.04.24 06.05.24 | Keeping safe and managing risk Staying safe at school Keeping safe and managing risk Staying safe in public e.g. ‘Stranger danger’ | Keeping safe and managing risk Staying safe at school Keeping safe and managing risk Staying safe in public e.g. ‘Stranger danger’ | Identity, Society and Equality (4 weeks) | Identity, Society and Equality (4 weeks) | Identity, Society and Equality (4 weeks) | Identity, Society and Equality (4 weeks) | Identity, Society and Equality (4 weeks) | Identity, Society and Equality (4 weeks) |
13.05.24 20.05.24 | Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing (CRL) People who help us, real life superheroes | Careers, financial capability and economic wellbeing (CRL) Different roles and jobs in the community | Money Matters (2 weeks) | Money Matters (2 weeks) | Money Matters (2 weeks) | Debt (2 weeks) | Gambling (2 weeks) | Financial Fraud (2 weeks) | |
Summer B (7 weeks) | 03.06.24 | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Building relationships: unfamiliar adults/situations (transition) Mental health and emotional wellbeing Achievements, goals and resilience. | Mental health and emotional wellbeing Building relationships: unfamiliar adults/situations (transition) Mental health and emotional wellbeing Achievements, goals and resilience. | Mental Health Awareness (1 week) | Mental Health Awareness (1 week) | Mental Health Awareness (1 week) | Mental Health Awareness (1 week) | Mental Health Awareness (1 week) | Mental Health Awareness (1 week) |
10.06.24 | Climate - Leeds DEC (1 week) | Climate - Leeds DEC (1 week) | Climate - Leeds DEC (1 week) | Climate - Leeds DEC (1 week) | Climate - Leeds DEC (1 week) | Climate - Leeds DEC (1 week) | |||
17.06.24 24.06.24 01.07.24 | Keeping safe and managing risk (3 weeks) | Keeping safe and managing risk (3 weeks) | Keeping safe and managing risk (3 weeks) | Keeping safe and managing risk (3 weeks) | Keeping safe and managing risk (3 weeks) | Keeping safe and managing risk (3 weeks) | |||
08.07.24 15.07.24 | Transition (2 weeks) | Transition (2 weeks) | Transition (2 weeks) | Transition (2 weeks) | Transition (2 weeks) | Transition (2 weeks) |
3.2 How we teach it
At Co-op Academy Woodlands, PSHE takes place each week, in a dedicated PSHE lesson that takes place on a Wednesday afternoon. We also deliver weekly Care to Talk sessions on a Friday afternoon that are 20 minutes long.
Our curriculum broadly follows the Islington You, Me and PSHE Scheme. Some units have been added to ensure the scheme is up to date and addressing key issues that our community face.
We also cover a range of PSHE topics in our assemblies which are planned by our Curriculum Leader.
Our Curriculum Policy states that our wider curriculum is aware, adaptable, ambitious and accessible. We ensure that all learners at Co-op Academy Woodlands can take part in weekly PSHE sessions. Lessons are delivered by our teachers, who have regular training to ensure PSHE is of a high quality.
Teachers are able to raise any concerns they have about our PSHE Curriculum with our PSHE Leaders, Ruth Hopkins and Lynsey Pinch.
Every year, we host a parent session about PSHE and RSE that all parents in our community are invited to attend.
Roles and responsibilities
4.1 The governing board
The governing board (Academy Governing Council) will hold the headteacher to account for the implementation of this policy.
The governing board (Academy Governing Council) has delegated the approval of this policy to Adele Clark, Headteacher.
4.2 The headteacher and Assistant Headteacher for Curriculum
The headteacher and assistant headteacher for Curriculum is responsible for ensuring that PSHE is taught consistently across the school.
4.3 Staff
Staff are responsible for:
Delivering PSHE in a sensitive way
Modelling positive attitudes to PSHE
Monitoring progress
Responding to the needs of individual pupils
4.4 Pupils
Pupils are expected to engage fully in PSHE and, when discussing issues related to PSHE, treat others with respect and sensitivity.
Monitoring arrangements
The delivery of PSHE is monitored by Ruth Hopkins and Lynsey Pinch, PSHE Leaders and Rachel Price, Assistant Headteacher for Curriculum and Tom Trower, Deputy Head and PD Lead through:
- Regular book and planning reviews
- Pupil voice interviews or panels
- Staff voice interviews or panels
This policy will be reviewed by Adele Clark, Headteacher and the PSHE Leaders annually. At every review, the policy will be approved by The Headteacher.
Links with other policies
This policy links to the following policies and procedures:
- EYFS policy
- SEN policy and information report
- Equality information and objectives
- Academy Improvement Plan
- RSE policy
- CRL Programme