Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy
Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy
Academy: Co-op Academy Woodlands
Approved by: Adele Clark (Headteacher)
Approved date: October 2024
Next Review Date: November 2025
Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy
4. The responsibility of the Academy
1. Aims
This policy aims to ensure that:
- Suitable education is arranged for pupils on roll who cannot attend school due to health needs
- Pupils, staff and parents understand what the school is responsible for when this education is being provided by the local authority
At Co-op Academy Woodlands we aim to support the LA and ensure that all children who are unable to attend school due to medical needs, and who would not receive suitable education without such provision, continue to have access to as much education as their medical condition allows, to enable them to reach their full potential.
Due to the nature of their health needs, some children may be admitted to hospital or placed in alternative forms of education provision. We recognise that, whenever possible, pupils should receive their education within their school and the aim of the provision will be to reintegrate pupils back into school as soon as they are well enough.
We understand that we have a continuing role in a pupil’s education whilst they are not attending the school and will work with the Local Authority, healthcare partners and families to ensure that all children with medical needs receive the right level of support to enable them to maintain links with their education.
2. Legislation and Guidance
This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation and statutory guidance including, but not limited to, the following:
- Education Act 1996
- Equality Act 2010
- Data Protection Act 2018
- DfE (2013) ‘Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs’
- DfE (2015) ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions’
This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.
3. Who this affects
Children who are unable to attend school as a result of their medical needs may include those with:
- Physical health issues.
- Physical injuries.
- Mental health problems, including anxiety issues.
- Emotional difficulties or school refusal.
- Progressive conditions.
- Terminal illnesses.
- Chronic illnesses.
Children who are unable to attend mainstream education for health reasons may attend any of the following:
- Hospital school: a special school within a hospital setting where education is provided to give continuity whilst the child is receiving treatment.
- Home tuition: many LAs have home tuition services that act as a communication channel between schools and pupils on occasions where pupils are too ill to attend school and are receiving specialist medical treatment.
- Medical PRUs: these are LA establishments that provide education for children unable to attend their registered school due to their medical needs.
4. The responsibility of the Academy
4.1 If the Academy makes the arrangements
Initially, the Academy will attempt to make arrangements to deliver suitable education for children with health needs who cannot attend school.
This will include:
- The SENCo being responsible for making and monitoring these arrangements
- These arrangements could include remote online learning through Google classrooms or class Dojo, which will include 1:1 home learning session delivered by a member of the teaching team at Woodlands and if applicable home learning packs being send home to accompany the online learning.
- Reintegration of pupils back into school learning will be made and guided by health professionals but may include phased returns.
4.2 If the Local Authority makes the arrangements
If the school can’t make suitable arrangements, Leeds Local Authority will become responsible for arranging suitable education for these children.
In cases where the local authority makes arrangements, the Academy will:
- Work constructively with the local authority, providers, relevant agencies and parents to ensure the best outcomes for the pupil
- Share information with the local authority and relevant health services as required
- Help make sure that the provision offered to the pupil is as effective as possible and that the child can be reintegrated back into school successfully
- When reintegration is anticipated, work with the local authority to:
Plan for consistent provision during and after the period of education outside the school, allowing the pupil to access the same curriculum and materials that they would have used in school as far as possible
Enable the pupil to stay in touch with school life (e.g. through newsletters, emails, invitations to school events or internet links to lessons from their school)
Create individually tailored reintegration plans for each child returning to school
Consider whether any reasonable adjustments need to be made
5. Monitoring arrangements
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Head Teacher. At every review, it will be approved by the full governing board.
6. Links to other Policies
This policy operates in conjunction with the following policies:
- Accessibility Plan
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- General Data Protection (GDPR) Data Protection Policy
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)Policy