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News and Letters

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 4 February

    Published 03/02/22

    Time to Talk Day with Mind and Co-op

    This Thursday, 3rd February, was Time to Talk Day. To celebrate, we invited parents into the hall for coffee, cake, chat and chill. It was great to see so many parents together and we hope to do more sessions soon. Time to Talk Day aims at getting us to start conversations about mental health and wellbeing.

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 28 January 2022

    Published 28/01/22

    Time to Talk Day with Mind and Co-op

    We are working closely with the mental health charity Mind and our Trust to look into ways how school can support our families and community further with their mental wellbeing.

    Thursday 3rd February is Time to Talk day. Next week, our children will be learning about wellebing and mental health, exploring lots of different ways to look after themselves each day.

    On Time to Talk day, we will be inviting parents into school for coffee, cake, chat and chill! Our children and staff will be taking part in this too. Look out for more information coming up – there will be limited spaces for this event so keep your eyes peeled!

    Following Time to Talk Day, for Children’s Mental Health week, we will be showcasing the children’s learning with you.

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  • Reception find a dragon!

    Published 26/01/22

    Miss Hobson’s class found a dragon hiding in the garage!

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 21 January 2022

    Published 21/01/22

    Time to Talk Day with Mind and Co-op

    We are working closely with the mental health charity Mind and our Trust to look into ways how school can support our families and community further with their mental wellbeing.

    Thursday 3rd February is Time to Talk day. In this week, our children will be learning about wellebing and mental health, exploring lots of different ways to look after themselves.

    On Time to Talk day, we will be inviting parents into school for coffee, cake, chat and chill! Our children and staff will be taking part in this too. Look out for more information coming up – there will be limited spaces for this event so keep your eyes peeled!

    Following Time to Talk Day, for Children’s Mental Health week, we will be showcasing the children’s learning with you.

    Our Spring Term Topics

    Our children are in their third week of their new topics. Take a look at our curriculum pages to find out more about what your children are learning!

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 7th January 2022

    Published 07/01/22

    Happy New Year!

    Welcome back after the Winter holidays, I hope you had a wonderful break and get to spend some quality time with your family and friends.


    I have sent a letter home earlier this week to give you some guidance in relation to Covid. The most important thing is for our staff and children to be protected from the spread of the virus. This will also ensure school stay open because we have enough staff to cover classes. We want to make sure your children get a good quality education face to face in school and I am sure you do not want children to have to do remote learning unless absolutely necessary.

    If your child has any symptoms, please do not send them to school. Do a LFD test and if it is positive, book or order a postal PCR test. If you have difficulties doing so, please contact school and we can support you with this. Please read my earlier letter with more information and also how we will manage attendance and absences.

    Symptoms are:

    1. A new continuous cough
    2. A high temperature
    3. A loss of taste and smell.

    Symptoms for the Omicron variant also includes a runny nose and congestion, tiredness and a cough or sore throat, very similar to having a cold. If you or your child have these symptoms, do a LFD test to ensure you or your child are not infected and therefore not potentially spreading the virus.

    At the moment we have had to cancel planned trips and we will review this at the end of January but we will continue to take the children in year 4 swimming for the time being.

    If you have any problems getting hold of LFD tests or ordering a PCR test, contact school and we can support you with this.

    Skills Builder

    This half term, we are focusing on teamwork and staying positive. The children had a wonderful day on Monday learning more about how this will help them in their learning now, future education and jobs. You can also practice these skills by playing board games in teams, working on a puzzle together or doing house chores together. We would love to see any photos you may have of you doing these things and if you are happy to, we can showcase this on our website.


    We are working closely with the mental health charity Mind to look into ways how school can support our families and community further with their mental wellbeing. We invited some parents to a workshop on Thursday and they have shared some brilliant knowledge and ideas with us. We will use this to write an action plan which we will share with you in the very near future. If you want to get involved with this more, please talk to Mrs Clark or Mr Trower.


    We are asking for you to have a look at home and if you have any uniform that no longer fits your children and they have a bit more life in them, to bring it into school. This can be school jumpers, trousers, T-shirts and coats. It will help if they are clean when you bring it in but school will also make sure it is clean and then we will set up the swap shop to run every month. We want to help our families out and want our children to look smart and feel part of the school community and uniform really helps with this.

    Mrs. Clark

    Take a look at what we have been up to this week


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  • Future Transport Day​​​​​​​

    Published 06/01/22

    On Tuesday 4th January, all the children at Woodlands took part in Future Transport Day.

    The children worked in groups to plan, design, make and evaluate a mode of Future Transport that suited a particualr purpose. Each group also had to create a presentation to share with the rest of the class about their model, explainig its features and how it worked. The day gave the children the chance to to develop key skills including: listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive, aiming high, leadership and teamwork. These skills are part of our Careers Related learning framework.

    Take a look at some of the designs and what we got up to! 

    Here’s what some of our children had to say about the day.

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 17 December 2021

    Published 17/12/21

    Merry Christmas! 🎄

    We’d like to thank our children, for their hard work and resilience this term; our parents and families for their support and our staff for their dedication. We know the future is uncertain but we hope you have a restful, safe break. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to the academy on Tuesday 4th January 2022.

    Returning to School – 4th January 2022 📅

    Currently we are uncertain about the Covid restrictions that may be in place in the New Year. We may have to bring back year group bubbles and the one-way system around school. We will communicate any changes that may affect you and your family as soon as we can. We thank you for your continued support and understanding at this uncertain time.

    You can check the most up-to-date Covid restrictions from the Government here.

    Meeting Point Cafe’s Christmas Fun Day 🎅

    Head down to Meeting Point Cafe on Harehills lane on Thursday 23rd December for their family Christmas fun day! There will be Christmas carols, games and lots of festive fun! Each child will also recieve a present free of charge!

    Find out more about Meeting Point Cafe on their Facebook page.

    Christmas Performances 🎶

    Our children have practiced really hard to put together some Christmas performances to share with you. While we wish we could do these in person, we hope you enjoy singing along at home. You can find them by clicking on the links below, and on Class Dojo.

    Watch Reception’s Christmas Performance 🎄

    Watch KS1’s Christmas Performance 🎅

    Watch KS2’s Christmas Sing-along ✨

    Take a look at what we have been up to this week

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  • Reception Visit Morrisons​​​​​​​

    Published 10/12/21

    On Thursday 9th December, Miss Hobson’s class visited Paula at our local Morrisons store! 

    The children wrote letters to Paula to ask for ingredients to make Christmas biscuits. She also gave the children some extra goodies!

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  • Y3’s Visit from a Volcano Doctor

    Published 10/12/21

    Year 3 have been learning about The Stone Age and Iron Age this half term.

    On Thrusday 9th December, Dr. Mark Thomas, a volcano doctor from the University of Leeds, visited Year 3 and told them all about his job. He brought in some examples of different types of rocks as well as some fossils. The children got to hold a T-Rex and a mammoth tooth which was very exciting! 

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  • Woodlands Weekly | 10 December 2021

    Published 10/12/21

    Upcoming events

    As the end of term draws closer, we have a number of key dates for our families to be aware of:

    • Year 6 will be swimming every morning next week. Check the letter sent home earlier this week for information, or speak to your class teacher.
    • Both KS1 and KS2 will be sharing videos of their Christmas performances next week, keep your eyes peeled!
    • Reception and Nursery will be sharing their Christmas performance videos on Class Dojo next week too.
    • We close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 17th December.
    • We return in the new year on Tuesday 4th January.

    Meeting Point Cafe’s Christmas Fun Day

    Head down to Meeting Point Cafe on Harehills lane on Thursday 23rd December for their family Christmas fun day! There will be Christmas carols, games and lots of festive fun! Each child will also recieve a present free of charge!

    Find out more about Meeting Point Cafe on their Facebook page.

    Year 3’s visit from a Volcano Doctor!

    Dr. Mark Thomas, a volcano doctor from the University of Leeds, visited Year 3 and told them all about his job. He brought in some examples of different types of rocks as well as some fossils. The children got to hold a T-Rex and a mammoth tooth which was very exciting! 

    RH visit Morrisons

    Miss Hobson’s class visited Paula at our local Morrisons store! The children wrote letters to Paula to ask for ingredients to make Christmas biscuits. She also gave the children some extra goodies!

    Christmas Jumper Day


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  • Woodlands Weekly | 3 December 2021

    Published 03/12/21

    Attendance Raffle Winner 

    We had our raffle draw on Monday and the winner was King John! He has won an amazing home cinema package for the whole family to enjoy a family Movie night. We will be doing a 100% prize draw every half term, where over 2 weeks there will be a chosen day where every child in school gets a raffle ticket which give them the chance to win a prize for the whole family to enjoy. You’ve got to be in it to win it!

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  • Woodlands Weekly | Friday 19th November 2021

    Published 19/11/21


    Thank you and well done for everybody trying hard to come to school this week! Our attendance this week was the highest so far this year for the whole school and I would love to see this getting better and better. Remember, we have the raffle and we have a week left where we have selected a day where everyone in school that day will receive a raffle ticket. You stand to win an amazing prize for your family with your raffle ticket. You have to be in it to win it!

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