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Woodlands Weekly | 24th January 2025

Welcome to this week's Woodlands Weekly! 🌳

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Attendance matters: all day, every day 🎈

We want to thank all our parents for working with us to ensure your children come to school every day.

Attending school every day helps your child learn, grow, and succeed. When your child is in school, they build skills, make friends, and gain confidence for the future. We know it can be challenging, and we appreciate your support in making education a priority. Together, we are helping your children achieve their dreams! If you need help or support with attendance, please let us know—we are here to work with you.

We’ll work with you, to help your child attend as much as they can. We will always give your child lots of comfort and care if they are not feeling well at school. If they are too unwell to stay, we will call home.

Come to school

  • Feeling worried
  • Coughs and colds
  • Cold sores
  • Conjunctivitis
  • COVID-19 (mild symptoms)
  • Hand, foot and mouth
  • Head lice and nits
  • Slapped cheek syndrome (please tell your teacher when you arrive)
  • Sore throat
  • Threadworms

Stay at home

  • High Temperature
  • Severe ear infection
  • Chicken pox -Keep your child at home until all the spots have crusted over
  • Impetigo - Keep your child at home until the spots have crusted over, or for 48 hours after starting antibiotic treatment
  • Measels - Keep your child at home for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears
  • Scarlet fever - Keep your child at home for 24 hours after starting antibiotic treatment
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea - Keep your child at home for 48 hours after their last spell of sickness 

 Key dates and events 📅

Keep an eye on everything coming up at Woodlands! We've got lots of events taking place over the next few weeks, and we can't wait to share them with you!

Miss Spedding's class spent some time today practising '5 Finger Breathing!' 🤲

Children are using this as a strategy if they need to calm down or regulate, and they feel they might be out of control. Well done Year 3!

 Each week this half-term, some of our Year 5 and 6 children head to Jamie's Farm Skipton. 🐷🐔

They spend the day helping the team run the farm! Find out more and see what they've been up to here

Well done 2T, for a fantastic class showcase assembly this morning. 👏

The children shared what they've been learning so far this year, and projected their voices brilliantly!

Parents Time to Talk 👍

Join Miss Heron and our Counsellor, Melissa, for coffee and a chat in our community library! ☕🍰

💬Time to Talk Day, Thursday 6th February at 2:30pm