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Woodlands Weekly | Friday 24th May 2024

Welcome to this week's Woodlands Weekly! 🌳

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Well done Woodlands! 🌟

It's been another fantastic half-term at Woodlands. We'd like to say a huge well done to our Year 2 and Year 6 children especially, as they have completed their end of Key Stage tests. Our children continue to make us proud each and every day, showing our RESPECT values and trying really hard to challenge themselves. 

I hope that everyone in our community has a safe, restful break and return ready for the last half-term of the school year! We've got lots of exciting things happening in school in the next few weeks, so make sure your children are in school every day so they don't miss out. Attendance matters: all day, every day.

Kind regards, 

Mrs Clark

We break up today for half term:
Friday 24th May, 3:15pm
We reopen:
Monday 3rd June, 8:40am

📅 You can find next year's term dates by clicking here.  

What's On? 🌞

Ruth Strahan, our Family Support Worker, has put together a list of events that are taking place over May half term.

Reception visit Nell Bank 🌳

Last week, Reception spent the day in the great outdoors at Nell Bank.

The children explored the tunnels to find out what it would be like for animals that live underground! After that, the children spent time pond dipping and caught some amazing creatures including: ponds skaters, pond snails and even some great crested Newts!

Online Safety Workshops 🎮💻

Last Friday, we hosted our first online safety workshop for parents. It was great to see so many parents share breakfast and discuss how to keep children safe online.

📅 Join us for our next workshop on Friday 7th June at 8:45pm. Free breakfast is provided!

May be an image of 6 people, people studying, television and text

 Year 6's DT Day ⚙

Last week, Year 6 spend the day creating a variety of cam toys using cams and cam followers to have a moving objects. The children worked incredibly hard to design, plan and make their toys. Take a look at them in action! 👇

 NDA's Culture Day Breakfast 🥞

It was great to welcome parents to join NDA for their Culture Day Breakfast on Tuesday morning. Thank you to those who could join us for some food and to celebrate each other's cultures!


3S' Superstar Writers ✍

3S started writing a non-chronological report about the water cycle this week. They focussed on perfecting their opening topic sentence with Miss Spedding showing them how to start their writing to make the reader want to know more!

 Harehills Community Matters Day 🎈

🗓️ Tuesday 28th May

🕛 12-4pm, at Banstead Park

Join Places for People, Connect Housing, Leeds Council Housing, Unity Homes and over 20 stalls for an afternoon of fun! ☀️

May be an image of 1 person and text that says "Harehills Community Matters Day Tuesday 28 May 12pm-4pm Tuesday28May12pm-4pm 12pm -4pm RefreshmentsatSt Aidan'schurch! Aidan' church! Family fun, Entertainment, DJ, Bouncy castles, and loads more! Banstead Park (between Roundhay Rd & Harehills Rd LS8 5AJ) Advice, support and information stalls for Harehills residents. Places for People Unity &AmeSa ン Connect housing Leeds CTY YCOUNCI"